Atlantian is the language spoken by the underwater race known as the Atlantians.
Atlantian In "A Generation's Journey"
Igni - Ignite
Ehr lyheis Dorigon, lu fae'ln ka d'Atlantis - Here lies Dorigon, the fallen king of Atlantis.
Ka- King
Hou aerr shing - Who are you?
Shong cervas oombel - Your humble servant
Braaga emm lu Novus Fatum - Bring me the Danger Kids.
Wei aerr lu kreissas - Where are the crests?
Shing aerr lyh'ang - You are lying.
Novus Fatum - Danger Kids
Magortis Teleportis - Through time and space from here to there.
Dacas lu tepro d'os al - Darkness the teacher of us all.
Emmi Ka - My king.
Heut'im ja Ka de - What am I king of?
d'Alantis emmi Ka - Of Atlantis my king.
Faeir - Failure.
Shing ga'ah faei'd shong Ka - You have failed your king.
Woi ken ja'eb de cervas - How can I be of service?
Tei emm emmi Ka - Tell me my king.
Odu shing ga'ah suma tige ta heish - Do you have something to hide?
Ja sha amorvde mi cervas ta emmi Ka - I shall die in service to my King.
Osa shing wir italehase - So you were interrupted?
Keis Ehya - Kill her.
Preyvo shong filiti e'odu tis tiga - Prove your loyalty and do this thing.
Ja sha - I shall
Simni - Simmer.
Stagganna - Stagnate
Trecase - treasure
Ja wa hing keis'ang shing - I will enjoy killing you.
Margortis - Through time and space infinitely
Sorcea, shing ga'ah prevon shong sefi lowha've - Sorcea, you have proven your self loyal.
Ta emmi Ka, Ja gae shing'ehya ly- To my King, I give you her life
Sep ni srenve - Sleep in serenity
Faanis ehya ayn pripis ta res l'odeys - Finnish her and prepare to raise the others.
Secessa - Cease
Avaros Macana - Surge of The Beast.
Folo emm sa mistre - Follow me as master.
Faanis nach - Finish now.
Odi shing faei emm - Did you fail me?
Mystic seps dusive've - Mystic sleeps infinitely.
Wi aerr shing os belyast - Were you so beaten
Lu gael heit l'ireis amordel emmi Ka - The girl with the eyes of death my King.
Leyi sha al fae'l - They shall all fall.
Ogi nach ta lu kambri ayn odupref, tis odoni vo emm - Go now to the chamber and perform, this duty for me.
Nach - Now.
Doru lu cacad - Through the cascade.
Raagi de Minerva - Rage of Minerva.
Harc de pye, emmon de freis - Heart of puddy, mind of fright.
Freis de lu aganas - Fright of the ages.
Revesti ef'iagi - Reverse soul image.
Sacessa dusive've - Cease inifinitely.
Dacas Zose Raim - Dark Zone Realm.